Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hug a Farmer

If you've been on any form of social media, you already know what day it is. It's National Ag Day! One of my favorite days of the year. It's a day to post pictures of your favorite farmers, farmer tans, cow selfies and family pictures by the farm sign. However, I saw a girl roll her eyes and turn up her nose to all of the "annoying posts about farmers today" on Facebook and Twitter. At first I was mad, but then I realized... how does she know any different? Does she even know what a farmer does every day? And then came along this "10 reasons to thank a farmer" picture floating through Facebook:

Now that you have reasons to thank them, here are 10 reasons to hug a farmer on National Ag Day:

  1. They work hard to provide food not only for consumers, but a good life for their family as well
  2. A farmer doesn't work 9-5... they're on the clock 24/7 
  3. They don't get a vacation day on Christmas or a 4-day weekend for memorial day
  4. A farmer is up at the crack of dawn to care for their animals, land and the environment
  5. Farmers are passionate about what they do
  6. They're responsible for beer, cheese and milkshakes
  7. .......Oh yea, and pizza
  8. Farmers are goodhearted, incredible people who never hesitate to lend a helping hand
  9. Without farmers, you'd be naked and hungry
  10. No farms, no food 

So if you're like the entire human population and enjoy eating and living the life the way we do, give a farmer a hug and say "Thank you, for all you do." 

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