Friday, May 31, 2013


DUN DUN DUN.... I am FINALLY 21. I can buy a beer whenever I want and put Baileys in my morning coffee with (less) judgement from my peers.

But! I was pretty upset that I couldn't have the "typical" 21st birthday bash at Penn State with all of my friends. All the traditions and memories that you don't know about... what is a 21st celebration with out all of that? However, Milwaukee has to be a damn close second to State College. The food, the people, the bars, the night life. Everything has so much energy!

Now don't get me wrong, I loved every second at the bars. But that's not what made this (quite possibly) the best birthday yet. When the drinking rubs off, it's the people and company that you notice.

At work, I came in to a cubicle-turned-streamer-and-balloon-castle, coffee, fruit tarts, and a team lunch outside. And if that weren't enough already, let's throw in a card and a shot glass. Already on cloud nine, I was recieving calls and text messages all day from family. THEN let's talk about Facebook and Twitter. If you try telling me that you don't love counting the number of posts you get on your birthday or laughing at the pictures people post of you.. you're lying.

So it's not the alcohol or the glitz and the glamour.. it's the people surrounding you. The roommates you've known for barely two weeks taking you out and buying you a cake and candles, the family sharing old photos, the co-workers excited to celebrate, and the friends who still call you from across the country.

That my friends, is what makes a good birthday.

Bloggin out,

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